Mt. Bonnell

Mt. Bonnell

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Rebirth of the Blog

Well after a 9 month, unintended , hiatus, my blog is back. I didn't mean to abandon it, but between work and my website something was going to fall by the wayside. And given that the thought of writing anything longer than a haiku can send me into fits of panic, it's not surprising that this blog was the one to go.

I also had way too many preconceived notions of what a blog was supposed to be. I got bogged down with too many details, worries and absurd notions. The posts weren't long enough, personal enough or relevant. They weren't funny or smart. "Supposed to" hung over my head mocking every click of the key board.

But as I have discovered, the only way to wrangle the words in my head, that circle like the ones in Hitchcock films, was to start writing again. Getting my thoughts out of my head and onto the screen is the equivalent of herding cats, there are always several that go astray and  get lost.

 I do not consider myself a writer of any sort and have spent a large portion of my life trying to avoid doing any kind of it. Though I did go through a period of poetry writing in High School, venting all my teenage angst.

I started the blog for 2 reasons. Several friends had mentioned that they followed my "adventures" on Facebook because I was always doing interesting things and that I should write about them. And I figured this would be a good way to learn how to write better and possibly get over my fear of writing. The more I wrote, I thought, the more comfortable I might get, the clearer my thoughts might become, expressing myself would get a little easier. I am still hoping these may happen, but in the mean time I would like to at lest learn to enjoy writing ( and work on my punctuation, which is atrocious)

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