Mt. Bonnell

Mt. Bonnell

Sunday, May 27, 2012

May - I Take Some Time Off

I love volunteering, and make a point each month to have at least one volunteer activity. But March and April were crazy. I estimate I volunteered every weekend.  And while fulfilling, it leaves me no time for myself. So, when May rolled around, I decided it was time for well..more "me time".

We live in an amazing city. Austin has great museums, live music, theaters,  hike/bike trails, golf courses, public pools/golf courses. I overheard someone say they were bored - that there was nothing to do in Austin and they were thinking of moving. What! impossible. (And I know this as fact, as I maintain a website of free activities - which don't even come to half of the possible things to do in this city.) If you are bored, you aren't trying or looking. There is something for everyone here. The old and young, pet lovers, activists, runners, couch surfers.

This month, however,  I planned nothing - which is to say I did not plan anything in advance ( I am a compulsive over planner). It was wonderful! ( and freeing)

I  went on several brewery tours (* side note: there are 12 breweries in Austin - most with weekly tours - so put the Bud down and get some real beer for petes sake) and spent a few weekends on my couch in my pj's. But I did have one big May "Adventure".

Last week I went to Laguna Gloria for their Art on the Green exhibit. It had been up for a few months and the 20th was the last day - nothing like waiting to the last minute right? I can't believe I have been in Austin over 10 years and this was my first visit. The exhibit was a 9 hole min golf course - each "hole" designed by a different artist - spread over the lawns of the museum.

hole #2
hole #9
I didn't play the "course" but walked it taking pictures of each hole. I got lucky with great weather - May can be too hot in Austin. I also took several photos of the museum grounds -  mostly well maintained, especially around the museum itself, 

view from the museum of Lake Austin

but I cannot figure why they let over brush block the view of Lake Austin on the lower grounds.  Once you get behind the main building it is much less well maintained and overgrown. There is a lighted path along the lagoon and 2 large art pieces on a "path" in an overgrown field.

lighted path

art in the field

There were also a few peacocks roaming the grounds that I was told wandered over from Mayfield Park, just next to the museum. So I knew where I was going next. 

I think he's flirting with me
Mayfield has a  beautiful "volunteer" garden with flowers, ponds and pathways. I spent all my time here taking photo after photo of the peacocks. It wasn't until I was leaving that I saw the map of the park and realized it was also a 21 acre nature preserve  - something I will check out on my next visit. 

I was surprised at the number of people who were there - most picnicking , throwing frisbees, and feeding the peacock chicks

mama and her babies - I got a bit too close for this shot
The park is in a fairly secluded spot - 35th west of Mopac  where it dead ends. So it's quiet and peaceful.

the ponds - meditation ready

I added one volunteer event to my May calendar last week though. Tomorrow morning at 5 am I will be spending the beginning part of Memorial Day at the Cap Tex Tri numbering the participants, cheering them on. I am hoping to make it to the Capitol Rotunda for their mini Memorial Day sing-a-long and possibly to the Nature & Science Museum - another place I've never been. ( hey, I just spent 2 days in a row in my pj's - time to get off the sofa)

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