Mt. Bonnell

Mt. Bonnell

Monday, May 16, 2011

How The Post Office Found My Phone (or the Most Embarrassing Moment in My Life)

A little pre-story first: I only have one phone -  my cell - which I rarely lose. On 2 occasions I have had to post on Facebook asking friends to call my phone - once it was in the bathroom, the other on my balcony. But that's it. Considering it's small size, 99% of the time I never even have to look for it because it's always on the coffee table ( or being charged).

So that's why when I couldn't find my phone this afternoon I was a bit perplexed. I had had it in the car on the way home - I had called a friend  - so I checked there thinking it fell out of my purse, or I had left in on the seat. No phone - anywhere. I actually checked twice because I could come up with no other rational place it could be.

It must be at the Post Office, I thought. It was the only place I had stopped at on the way home. Maybe it fell out when I pulled out my wallet or while I was addressing an envelope at my car outside. But I didn't hear it fall??? Never mind - there is NO other place it can be!! I must go the the Post Office.

I checked out the parking lot, no phone. I am a bit desperate now. As this is my only phone I am a bit screwed if I lose it. So I wait in line, which is fortunately short. I ask Post Office Guy ( now to be known as Really Great Post Office Guy Who Went Above and Beyond His Duties to Help Me) if anyone turned in a phone:

Me: Did anyone turn in a small phone?
POG: No sorry. The only thing that has been turned in was a pair of sunglasses.
Have you tried calling it?
Me: No, I don't have another phone
POG: (handing me HIS phone) Here try calling it. Maybe someone found it.

and that folks is when it happened - my PURSE RANG!
Seriously - my purse starts ringing! I swear I had emptied the damn thing out looking for my phone - NOTHING! Why is my purse ringing?
Because there is a small pocket on the side - that, of course, I had checked, but didn't notice there was a phone in it!

I can feel my face turning red - I really wanted to thank POG for being so nice to let me use his phone to find mine that was of course in my purse the whole time - so naturally I run, well flee actually,  out with a quick thank you said over my shoulder.

Now of course I'm gonna have to find a new post office